Project results
State of the art and needs analysis on AMR training in Europe (D1.1)
The report highlights the need for EU Member States to improve their AMR education programs, with a focus on integrating the One Health approach. Currently, the implementation of educational aspects of AMR national action plans is low, and there is a lack of standardized training for healthcare professionals. Additionally, AMR education availability is not uniform across different healthcare workers. Find out more …
Informative materials for patients (D4.2)
Informative materials to raise awareness on AMR to different audiences. Find out more …

Communication and dissemination plan (D7.1)
The document presenting: a) key stakeholders of the project at EU level and in the target countries, b) overarching messaging, c) messaging structure for main communication channels in Task 7.6 and related KPIs, d) synergies and cooperation opportunities with projects of similar or complementary profiles, e) visual identity of the project, including logo and templates for all communication channels and materials. Download here
Project leaflet (D7.2)
The project leaflet is designed for digital distribution and provides a concise introduction to the initiative. It highlights the project’s objectives, expected outcomes, and key activities while also presenting the consortium members. The leaflet serves as an informative and engaging resource for stakeholders, offering a clear overview of the project’s scope and impact. Download here

Articles in health professional journals / media outlet

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.